Friday, December 10, 2010

Internet Debate Questions

     1. Based on this debate and previous readings What Definition of democracy do you feel is most fitting for us to use in-conjunction our growing reliance and integration of digital networked technologies?
When it comes to the definition of democracy in the digital network, I have to agree with Jimmy Wales’ definition of it; a variety of people with both different and similar opinions share their ideas on current issues, debates, political topics and more to create their own decision. I do feel that most of the facts should be “doubled checked” because not everyone who decides to share their knowledge or simple opinions on websites is a specialist. But relaying on other’s opinions as a source to help you construct yours is a definite benefit.

2. How does your answer to #1 fit into the unchecked nature of Web 2.0 technologies, and what are some tangible examples of this? Do you feel this is an important issue that needs to be addressed further?
I do agree with people having the privilege and the right to voice their opinions online, but I also believe that there should be a law that prohibits a person from displaying information (videos, pictures, audio) about another person that would be considered by the people’s majority opinion to be private, without their permission. For example the situation with the student from Rutgers; I felt it was wrong of his roommate to display what he did in such a public place without his approval.

3. Define and describe the phenomenon of the Media echo-chamber as described in the Internet Debates. What are some examples of this silo effect, and do you believe it is an issue that needs to be addressed? Why or Why not?

An echo-chamber or the silo effect is where a person goes out there way to search for information that will only strengthen their opinion in a bias way and ignore the other side of the issue. For example a person believing that abortion should be banned will only look into blogs, or websites that are against it. An issue like this I do believe should be addressed, but it would be difficult to do because these people tend to be hard headed and at times seemed to be convinced of their opinions and refuse to see the other side even when faced with it.

4. What are some ways that expertise and authority could be (or is being) enforced on the internet? Who would be behind these forces? Why do you believe they are needed or not needed?
I believe the government is in away doing this, if they are not they definitely possess the technology to make a difference thanks to the Patriot Act. Though they are not fighting the examples I gave they are certainly using this act to prevent terrorist attacks by constantly searching keywords and spying on potential threats. And yes I do feel it is needed.

6. Give a through example of an adaptation or improvement made by a of a social, political, or cultural group, government, business or individual to keep up with changing nature of the internet.
Examples of a group of people that choose to keep up with the nature of internet are the older generation; like our parents. Many parents now-a-days have their own facebook accounts and even smartphones that help them stay connected. My mom in particular has created a facebook profile in order to also keep up with her relatives in Puerto Rico and her friends. She has even learned how to work with blackberry smartphones to adapt better.

7. Is democracy threatened by the unchecked nature of the internet?
No, I feel that democracy is not threatened by the nature of the internet. If anything it is strengthen by allowing people to express their opinions even if it may not be as creditable.

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